So. . . I MIGHT HAVE driven Dougie into a ditch.* But, we need to get this story straight. Here’s how I remember it. . .
Yes, we were driving along a beautiful little stretch of winding dirt road between the small mountain town of Fox Glacier and our destination for the evening, Gillespie’s Beach BUT. . . (here’s where I remember things a little differently) we were NOT just approached by a vehicle. This vehicle was BARRELING down this narrow, winding dirt road at BREAK NECK speeds. And. . . I would IN NO WAY refer to said vehicle as a large campervan, it was more like a HUGE MOBILE HOME! It was the size of the 3 bedroom house in which I grew up but. . . ON WHEELS and it was coming straight at me, AND, more importantly, my most prize possession, my dear husband!
What would any level-headed, compassionate, calm spouse and driver do but protect her love by gently placing him, and therefore the vehicle surrounding him, in a nice low spot out of the way of this BEAST of a vehicle? Stop, drop, and roll, right? Into a ditch if there is one, obviously!
As THE BEAST came CAREENING toward us, thanks to my evasive maneuvers, no one was hurt. Defensive driving,people.
And, yes, I might have laughed my way through but only to lighten the mood. You know how uptight Dave can be. ; )
*SHOUT OUT for our dear friend, Steph, for whom the unfortunate conditional tense might have been invented. : )
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